8°34' W
boötes. cygnus (the northern cross). no pluto just yet. maybe you need a telescope for that.
just saw the sun rise over africa. we're about the same latitude as casablanca and AFTER my watch, the wind came up. this is not a coincidence, as my watch ends with the rising of jupiter, venus and then the sun. yep. the sun's actually up now. more like daytime. someone asked me what day of the week it is. i have no idea. i always know nearly exactly what time of day it is, but what day of the week? i'm not certain that there are days of the week at sea. sort of like on trail.
i am starting to get really into the phosphorescent thingies. tonight there were rather a few nighttime visitors. i'm not dangling my hand over the side or anything, as there's no way to tell exactly what species of visitor it is in any case. the dolphins come in threes or fours so far and swim near the bow of one of the hulls, then veer off away; you can catch them out of the corner of the eye as they swim fast toward the boat and then turn sharply forward. the solitary ones may or may not be dolphins. i am getting used to the phosporescent bits.. they are microorganisms that glow in the water when disturbed by either the boat or some swimmy thing. i'm starting to see the size and number of our swimmy guests.
tonight was a whole new thing: one plane. one ship. heaps of guests, good meteor action.
just before watch, i realized that my polypros are all black, donned them with my polypro gloves (also black), my polypro skidoo mask (yep. also black), and a pair of black socks. then stealthed onto the bridge all over dramatic pretend-sneaky like and aksed jenny if she'd like a cup of tea, ninja style. and a gummi bear. if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be dumb.