first leg was a success. accumulated many tiredness points, and was first to crawl in to my sleeping bag after the expected joviality and libation necessarily connected to an arrival in port. and then awake and wired to GO not 3 hours later. i eventually pretended to sleep until... an actual jackhammer. naturally the port construction boys were finished using it after i had comsumed the first coffee of the day.

one could get used to this sailing stuff. completely taxing and a full use of my resources, mental and physical and perhaps spiritual. it's rather enriching, if i must say. i should start being excited soon, but mostly this is a lot of work. yesterday i spent a good 2 albums worth orf cleaning ferdinand diesel. killed my old toothbrush and now it sparkles. it's still and engine room, so it'll require many layers of clean in order to eat offa it. more cleaner. a very effective fake cleanup.
rose leaves today and we've acquired her ma Marilyn, who seems rather excellent and loves singing. i suspect there'll be many show tunes coming out of her and our fist mate over the next number of days.

more soon.